Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics
- Mouse Picking
- Introdcution to Cube Mapping
- Introduction to Rim Effect
- Introduction to Subdivision
- DirectX11 - Modeling (Grid / Cylinder / Circle)
- DirectX11 - Lighting
- DirectX11 - Texturing
- Shader Programming
- COMPTR - Window Programming & DirectX11 Initialization
- Lighting in Rasterization
- Shading
- Introduction (Bottleneck of Ray Tracing Method)
- Backface Culling (Ray Tracing / Rasterization)
- Geometry Shader
- Texturing
- Shadowing
- Introduction to Barycentric Coordinates
- How to draw a Triangle
- Orthographic Projection
- Lighting Effect
- Prep
- Tessellation
- Mesh & Animation
- Shadow Mapping
- Render Target View
- Compute Shader & Particle System
- DirectX Projection
- DirectX12 Background